

516 record(s)


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From 1 - 10 / 516
  • This service was prepared for 3rd national report under Article 17 of the Habitats Directive (2007-2012), corresponding to the range, through a grid 10 x 10 km, of the species of Community interest listed in Annex II; IV and V of the Habitats Directive.

  • This service was prepared for 3rd national report under Article 17 of the Habitats Directive (2007-2012), corresponding to the evaluation, through a grid 10 x 10 km, of the species of Community interest listed in Annex II; IV and V of the Habitats Directive, in particular the marine and coastal species. The global evaluation is a conclusive parameter of the species conservation status in their biogeographical region, reflecting the results of the conclusions on the evaluation of the range, area, structure and specific function and future perspectives, in accordance with the requirements of the global evaluation matrix of conservation status.

  • Quadrícula ou Rede de 1x1 km (malha quadrangular harmonizada com dimensão e georreferenciação das células normalizada) para Portugal para a qual foi calculada informação recolhida no âmbito do Censo à população e habitação, e agrícola Este conjunto de dados integra os Conjuntos de Dados de Elevado Valor/HVD identificados de acordo com o Regulamento de Execução n.º 2023/138 da Diretiva (UE) 2019/1024, relativa aos dados abertos e à reutilização de informações do setor público

  • Serviço de mapas de descarregamento para Base Geográfica de Referenciação da Informação 2001

  • Serviço de mapas de descarregamento para Base Geográfica de Referenciação da Informação 2011

  • Web feature service with the Important Bird Areas, or IBAs, that are areas designated according to objective criteria defined by BirdLife International. They are priority sites for conservation of endangered birds. They are assumed internationally and identified through the application of scientific criteria. They are also considered strategic points for bird watching. The IBAs considered in this service refer only to sites located in marine and coastal areas.

  • Web feature service with the limits of marine and coastal biosphere reserves. The Biosphere Reserves are samples representing of marine, land or coastal ecosystems, promoting solutions to reconcile the conservation of biodiversity with its sustainable use. Internationally recognized (UNESCO Man & Biosphere Programme), designated by national governments and remaining under sovereign jurisdiction of the states where they are located. Throughout its zonation (core, buffer and transition) have to promote three functions: conservation of natural and cultural heritage, sustainable development, dissemination and knowledge. Only the core area requires legal protection and may correspond to a pre-existing protected area as a reserve or natural park. This service relates only to the marine and/or coastal biosphere reserves.

  • WMS com a representação das posições dos marégrafos pertencentes à rede maregráfica operada pelo Instituto Hidrográfico.

  • Serviço WFS IFAP- Parcelas, ocupações de solo e culturas do sistema de Identificação Parcelar (iSIP) – IFAP

  • Web feature service within the framework of the SNIMar project, which consists of the georeferencing of a set of sites on the Coast of Mainland Portugal where seabird and aquatic birds can be observed.