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91 record(s)


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From 1 - 10 / 91
  • Distribuição de bivalves de água doce em Portugal continental

  • Georeferenciação dos serviços de saúde dos Açores: Unidades de Saúde dos Açores.

  • Dados de distribuição para as espécies de aves alvo de censo dirigido, excepto Aquila adalberti, Aegypius monachus e Pterocles alchata cuja localização é confidencial (inclui quadrículas UTM 10x10 km marginais); Dados de distribuição para as restantes espécies (não inclui quadrículas UTM 10x10 km marginais).

  • Within Portugal's National Biological Sampling Project (PNAB) a set of activities are conducted in the collection, management and use of biological data, collected from the registered commercial fleet in mainland Portugal (fisheries-dependent data) and several research surveys (independent fisheries data). These activities allow the assessment of the state of fishery resources, population structure, distribution and abundance of resources, diversity and dynamics of biological communities associated with the fishery resources and biological studies (growth, reproduction).This resource shows the geographic distribution of blue whiting abundancy index (nr. individuals/hour) registered during the CRUSTACEOS2014 campaign in June 2014.

  • Nosologic map of the Pullet Carpet Shell in mainland Portugal. The health screening of the species population aims the identification and characterization of diseases affecting the Pullet Carpet Shell and their characterization both as to its epidemiology (incidence, prevalence and intensity of the disease), as to their impact on production. This information is intended to characterize the different production areas of the species from the health point of view.

  • Location of the sampling stations considered in the analyzes from IPMA's Marine biotoxins Laboratory included in the National Bivalve Molluscs Monitoring System.

  • Nosologic map of the Pacific Cupped Oyster in mainland Portugal. The health screening of the species population aims the identification and characterization of diseases affecting the Pacific Cupped Oyster and their characterization both as to its epidemiology (incidence, prevalence and intensity of the disease), as to their impact on production. This information is intended to characterize the different production areas of the species from the health point of view.

  • Within Portugal's National Biological Sampling Project (PNAB) a set of activities are conducted in the collection, management and use of biological data, collected from the registered commercial fleet in mainland Portugal (fisheries-dependent data) and several research surveys (independent fisheries data). These activities allow the assessment of the state of fishery resources, population structure, distribution and abundance of resources, diversity and dynamics of biological communities associated with the fishery resources and biological studies (growth, reproduction).This resource shows the geographic distribution of arrow shrimp abundancy index (nr. individuals/hour) registered during the CRUSTACEOS2014 campaign in June 2014.

  • Através de um protocolo estabelecido entre o ICNF, I.P. e a Universidade do Minho foram disponibilizados os geossítios de importância nacional, no âmbito do projeto intitulado “Inventário Nacional de Geossítios”, liderado e facultado por esta Universidade e financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, entre 2007 e 2011, abrangendo o território continental e os arquipélagos da Madeira e Açores. O Regime Jurídico da Conservação da Natureza e da Biodiversidade (Dec.-Lei n.º242/2015, de 15 de outubro), consagra um conjunto de valores naturais nos quais se incluem os valores geológicos. Não existe legislação própria para a criação e regulamentação destes valores.

  • Estas Farmácias e Postos de Medicamentos foram georeferenciados com base em Ortofotomapas à escala 1:5000, números de Polícia e Troços fornecidos pela DSCIG e através de um PDF fornecido pelo Serviço Regional de Saúde dos Açores. Contém informação do nome do estabelecimento, diretor técnico, morada, e-mail, telefone e fax.