Web Map Service with observations data of the species Tursiops truncatus under the Action Plan for the Protection and Monitoring of resident population of Bottlenose dolphins from Sado Estuary.
This service was prepared for 3rd national report under Article 17 of the Habitats Directive (2007-2012), corresponding to the evaluation, through a grid 10 x 10 km, of the species of Community interest listed in Annex II; IV and V of the Habitats Directive, in particular the marine and coastal species. The global evaluation is a conclusive parameter of the species conservation status in their biogeographical region, reflecting the results of the conclusions on the evaluation of the range, area, structure and specific function and future perspectives, in accordance with the requirements of the global evaluation matrix of conservation status.
This web map service corresponds to the level 3 of the natural habitats of comunity interest listed in Annex I of the Habitats Directive. This service only concernes to the marine and coastal habitats.
Web map services with the sites in the biogeographical regions Atlantic, Mediterranean and Macaronesian, that contribute significantly to maintaining or restoring a type of natural habitat, from Annex BI, or species from Annex B-II, in a favorable conservation status, and may also contribute significantly to the coherence of Natura 2000 network or to maintain significantly the biological diversity in these biogeographical regions. This service only includes SPA's with marine, coastal and estuarine/laggoon environment.
This web map service was prepared under the Sectoral Plan of Natura 2000, identifying the management orientations, seeking to fit them into set of factors that affect the natural values present in each area. This service refers to the orientations of marine and coastal scope, that occurs in the Special Protection Areas.
This service was prepared under the Article 17 section 1 of the Habitats Directive (2007-2012), corresponding to the to the evaluation, through a grid 10 x 10 km, of the natural habitats of comunity interest listed in Annex I of the Habitats Directive, particularly the marine and coastal habitats.
Web map service within the framework of the SNIMar project, which consists of the georeferencing of a set of sites on the Coast of Mainland Portugal where seabird and aquatic birds can be observed.
Serviço WMS IFAP- Parcelas, ocupações de solo e culturas do sistema de Identificação Parcelar (iSIP) – IFAP
Ortofotos de 10 cm do Município de Penafiel. Resolução espetral 4 bandas (RGB e NIR), obtida por mosaico de fotografia aérea digital ortorretificada. O voo foi efetuado com câmara fotogramétrica digital, DMC da Intergraph, no mês de maio de 2014. Esta cobertura compreende uma divisão em 265 ficheiros de 1 km x 1 km, sem sobreposição, nas direções E-O e N-S, respetivamente.
Web map service with the International network of wetlands which are important for the conservation of global biological diversity and for sustaining human life through the maintenance of their ecosystem components, processes and benefits/services. This service concerns to the coastal RAMSAR sites.