

503 record(s)


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From 1 - 10 / 503
  • Web map service with the information about the distribution and quantity of aquatic birds, including shorebirds, in order to meet the annual cycle of populations, fluctuations and trends of its population, as well as the importance of several wetlands for each species. This service relates to aquatic birds counts for the coastal wetlands.

  • This service was prepared for 3rd national report under Article 17 of the Habitats Directive (2007-2012), corresponding to the distribution, through a grid 10 x 10 km, of the species of Community interest listed in Annex II; IV and V of the Habitats Directive.

  • Web map service with the information gathered with the location of the best spots for the practice of nautical sports within the National Protected Areas Network. The sports considered in this service are the dive, surf, wind surf and kite surf.

  • Departure places of vessels owned by companies authorized to carry out tourist operations for the observation of cetaceans in the waters of mainland Portugal, as stipulated in Decree-Law no. 9/2006 of 6 January.

  • This service was prepared for 3rd national report under Article 17 section 1 of the Habitats Directive (2007-2012), corresponding to the to the distribution, through a grid 10 x 10 km, of the natural habitats of comunity interest listed in Annex I of the Habitats Directive, particularly the marine and coastal habitats.

  • This web map service refers to the wild bird species, identifying the species and their distribution, that causes specific attention under the PSRN2000. Noteworthy are (i) the globally threatened species; (Ii) threatened species at European level and whose distribution is confined to Europe; (Iii) those who, being threatened in Europe but having a wider distribution, have unfavorable laws in Portugal, and (iv) all species with threatened status in Portugal and which are included in Annex I of the Birds Directive. In this case it was considered only the aquatic and marine birds belonging to special protection areas (SPAs) marine, estuarine and coastal waters.

  • This service was prepared for 3rd national report under Article 12 of the Birds Directive (2008-2012), corresponding to the distribution, through a grid 10 x 10 km, of the breeding birds listed in Annex I of the Birds Directive, in particular the marine species.

  • Web map service with the limits of marine and coastal biosphere reserves. The Biosphere Reserves are samples representing of marine, land or coastal ecosystems, promoting solutions to reconcile the conservation of biodiversity with its sustainable use. Internationally recognized (UNESCO Man & Biosphere Programme), designated by national governments and remaining under sovereign jurisdiction of the states where they are located. Throughout its zonation (core, buffer and transition) have to promote three functions: conservation of natural and cultural heritage, sustainable development, dissemination and knowledge. Only the core area requires legal protection and may correspond to a pre-existing protected area as a reserve or natural park. This service relates only to the marine and/or coastal biosphere reserves.

  • Web map service with the Community importance areas in national territory in which are applied necessary measures to maintain or restore the conservation status of wild bird populations listed in Annex I and their habitats, as well as migratory bird species not listed in the annex but whose occurence on national territory is regular. This service only includes SPA's with marine, coastal and estuarine/laggoon environment.

  • Web Map Service with observations data of the species Tursiops truncatus under the Action Plan for the Protection and Monitoring of resident population of Bottlenose dolphins from Sado Estuary.