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139 record(s)


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INSPIRE themes

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From 1 - 10 / 139
  • Cartografia topográfica em formato vetorial à escala 1:10000, num total de aproximadamente 25468.5 hectares, pertencentes ao concelho de Setúbal, obtida por restituição da fotografia aérea, do voo efetuado no dia 18 de Junho de 2016.

  • Cartografia Numérica Topográfica à escala 1:2 000 para o Município da Maia. A área a cartografar numericamente à escala 1: 2 000, tem a dimensão de 8951.21 ha, que se distribuem por 86 folhas. Esta área diz respeito ao município da Maia incluindo um "buffer" de 100 metros. Para a aquisição da cartografia vetorial o sistema de referência foi o sistema de referência ETRS89-TM06.

  • Web feature service with an aproximate location of the cetacean strandings in mainland Portugal. These prepresent any marine animal that comes ashore or near the shore. Include an event in the wild where a marine mammal is found dead on the beach or shore or floating; when a marine mammal is alive on the beach or shore, but unable to return to the water due to sickness or injury or some other obstacle and when a marine mammal is in the water, but is unable to return to its natural habitat without assistance.

  • Web map service concerns to the points extracted from the "Ring Access" database wich contain a ring information management, control and recovery of rings. The data are in point format corresponding to the place where the the ringing or recapture of the ringed bird was performed. This feature service corresponde to the marine and coastal species.

  • Departure places of vessels owned by companies authorized to carry out tourist operations for the observation of cetaceans in the waters of mainland Portugal, as stipulated in Decree-Law no. 9/2006 of 6 January.

  • Esta cartografia resultou de restituição fotogramétrica complementada com respectiva completagem. Os pontos fotogramétricos foram obtidos recorrendo a um equipamento GNSS ligado à RENEP.

  • Web feature service with the information gathered with the location of the best spots for the practice of nautical sports within the National Protected Areas Network. The sports considered in this service are the dive, surf, wind surf and kite surf.

  • Web feature service with the Important Bird Areas, or IBAs, that are areas designated according to objective criteria defined by BirdLife International. They are priority sites for conservation of endangered birds. They are assumed internationally and identified through the application of scientific criteria. They are also considered strategic points for bird watching. The IBAs considered in this service refer only to sites located in marine and coastal areas.

  • This web map service refers to the wild bird species, identifying the species and their distribution, that causes specific attention under the PSRN2000. Noteworthy are (i) the globally threatened species; (Ii) threatened species at European level and whose distribution is confined to Europe; (Iii) those who, being threatened in Europe but having a wider distribution, have unfavorable laws in Portugal, and (iv) all species with threatened status in Portugal and which are included in Annex I of the Birds Directive. In this case it was considered only the aquatic and marine birds belonging to special protection areas (SPAs) marine, estuarine and coastal waters.

  • O Atlas mostra, de acordo com o registo de observações feitas, como se distribuem atualmente, em Portugal, os Anfíbios e Répteis que são autóctones no território português: - 17 espécies de Anfíbios; - 30 espécies de Répteis terrestres; e - 5 espécies de Tartarugas marinhas. Para cada uma das espécies, a ficha apresenta ainda uma caracterização da espécie e notas sobre as ameaças principais e medidas para a sua conservação.