Creation year


90 record(s)


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From 1 - 10 / 90
  • Two beach profiles (P2 and P3) were collected at S. Pedro do Estoril, Cascais (Portugal) as part of shoreline monitoring exercises. Survey was conducted in a situation of low tide and these beach profiles run perpendicular to the shoreline. Profile location and a description of points used are available in profile data (.xls).

  • Localização dos lugares do concelho da Batalha

  • Within Portugal's National Biological Sampling Project (PNAB) a set of activities are conducted in the collection, management and use of biological data, collected from the registered commercial fleet in mainland Portugal (fisheries-dependent data) and several research surveys (independent fisheries data). These activities allow the assessment of the state of fishery resources, population structure, distribution and abundance of resources, diversity and dynamics of biological communities associated with the fishery resources and biological studies (growth, reproduction).This resource shows the geographic distribution of atlantic mackerel abundancy index (nr. individuals/hour) registered during the DEMERSAL2009 campaign in September 2009.

  • Informação relativa às formações geológicas e as constituições litológicas (áreas e falhas geológicas)do concelho de Vila Franca de Xira às escalas 1:25 000, 1:50 000 e 1:100 000.

  • A erosão hídrica dos solos constitui um dos mais importantes factores de degradação ambiental. Por um lado, resulta na destruição e perda de um recurso fundamental e de suporte e produção de biomassa, por outro lado, os sedimentos resultantes da erosão irão depositar-se a jusante, tornando terrenos agrícolas estéreis ou assoreando e colmatando cursos de água e zonas inundadas. A diminuição da capacidade de armazenamento dos terrenos, devido à perda de solos, conduz a desequilíbrios hidrológicos que tornam as secas, e as cheias, mais frequentes e com a persistência conduzem à degradação ambiental que, em ambientes mais susceptíveis, pode levar à desertificação. A carta de Erosão Hídrica do Solo do Concelho de Redondo foi criada com base na Equação Universal de Perda do Solo (EUPS), mediante um projecto de investigação em Geografia da Universidade de Évora que teve como tema " Modelação Geográfica da Avaliação da Erosão Hídrica do Solo" (2010).

  • Within Portugal's National Biological Sampling Project (PNAB) a set of activities are conducted in the collection, management and use of biological data, collected from the registered commercial fleet in mainland Portugal (fisheries-dependent data) and several research surveys (independent fisheries data). These activities allow the assessment of the state of fishery resources, population structure, distribution and abundance of resources, diversity and dynamics of biological communities associated with the fishery resources and biological studies (growth, reproduction).This resource shows the geographic distribution of pout whiting abundancy index (nr. individuals/hour) registered during the DEMERSAL2009 campaign in September 2009.

  • Within Portugal's National Biological Sampling Project (PNAB) a set of activities are conducted in the collection, management and use of biological data, collected from the registered commercial fleet in mainland Portugal (fisheries-dependent data) and several research surveys (independent fisheries data). These activities allow the assessment of the state of fishery resources, population structure, distribution and abundance of resources, diversity and dynamics of biological communities associated with the fishery resources and biological studies (growth, reproduction).This resource shows the geographic distribution of european anchovy abundancy index (nr. individuals/hour) registered during the PELAGO09 acoustic campaign in April 2009.

  • Within Portugal's National Biological Sampling Project (PNAB) a set of activities are conducted in the collection, management and use of biological data, collected from the registered commercial fleet in mainland Portugal (fisheries-dependent data) and several research surveys (independent fisheries data). These activities allow the assessment of the state of fishery resources, population structure, distribution and abundance of resources, diversity and dynamics of biological communities associated with the fishery resources and biological studies (growth, reproduction).This resource shows the geographic distribution of blue whiting abundancy index (nr. individuals/hour) registered during the DEMERSAL2009 campaign in September 2009.

  • Within Portugal's National Biological Sampling Project (PNAB) a set of activities are conducted in the collection, management and use of biological data, collected from the registered commercial fleet in mainland Portugal (fisheries-dependent data) and several research surveys (independent fisheries data). These activities allow the assessment of the state of fishery resources, population structure, distribution and abundance of resources, diversity and dynamics of biological communities associated with the fishery resources and biological studies (growth, reproduction).This resource shows the geographic distribution of Norway lobster abundancy index (nr. individuals/hour) registered during the DEMERSAL2009 campaign in September 2009.

  • Within Portugal's National Biological Sampling Project (PNAB) a set of activities are conducted in the collection, management and use of biological data, collected from the registered commercial fleet in mainland Portugal (fisheries-dependent data) and several research surveys (independent fisheries data). These activities allow the assessment of the state of fishery resources, population structure, distribution and abundance of resources, diversity and dynamics of biological communities associated with the fishery resources and biological studies (growth, reproduction).This resource shows the geographic distribution of european hake abundancy index (nr. individuals/hour) registered during the CRUSTACEOS2009 campaign in June 2009.