SNIG, the Portuguese NSDI, was one of the pioneers in the beginning of the 90’s, being the first NSDI in Europe and also the first one opened to the Internet in 1995. The early existence of a clear legal support was a very important building-block for SNIG success. The Decree-Law 180/2009 of August 7th, transposing INSPIRE Directive, established a new legal framework, by setting a scenario much more adjusted to its actual and future needs, within which is the creation of a Coordination Council (COSNIG) for strategic decision and a more effective involvement of stakeholders. IGP, as National Contact Point (NCP) for INSPIRE and being in charge of SNIG coordination and development, is actively involved in all INSPIRE related activities in Portugal, steering its implementation. The Portuguese strategy for INSPIRE implementation relies in four major vectors: (1) Organisation: a major effort was placed in the creation of contact networks of public authorities, as the collaboration and joint involvement of national public authorities is considered a critical for the process success. The transposition enabled the identification of stakeholders’ contact points and the mandatory appointment of Metadata Managers. (2) Contents: Mainly focused on metadata through the creation of the National Metadata Profile and the development of a metadata production and editing tool – MIG Editor – made freely available to all. Moreover, IGP developed geowebservices for some of its spatial data that are available through SNIG. (3) Capacity Building: Training actions in relevant areas such as metadata and geowebservices have been undertaken - training actions have been organised for approximately 262 metadata managers and a training plan has been set up on geowebservices. (4) Dissemination: Performed through the INSPIRE-PT website, the contact point’s networks of public authorities and several public sessions organised in various locations around the country during recent years. It contributed to raise awareness on the INSPIRE concept and principles, spread information, disseminate developments already achieved within European SDI projects in which Portugal is participating and share knowledge associated to best practices. The INSPIRE monitoring and reporting process was carried out in phases, based on three main foundations: the INSPIRE Focal Points Network (INSPIRE FPN), the operational working group created within CO-SNIG (GT M&R CO-SNIG) and the IGP as INSPIRE NCP. Thematic working groups bringing together the public authorities responsible for the same or similar themes were recently created. These working groups intend to help clarifying the formal responsibilities of those authorities and to support the application of INSPIRE specifications. Cross-cutting working groups on Metadata and Geowebservices were also created, which will support authorities in the production and publication of metadata and in the development of geowebservices, in line with the INSPIRE implementing rules deadlines. INSPIRE compliant metadata for Annex I and II spatial data sets and services was due until 3 December, 2010. This mandatory requirement conducted to 493 new metadata records in SNIG catalogue and to the registration of 62 new metadata managers. This paper presents the Portuguese strategy for INSPIRE implementation, the activities undertaken until now and the main results achieved.
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João Geirinhas
Alexandra Fonseca
Rui Pedro Julião
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