The marine energy potential maps for mainland Portugal consists of the mapping the main wind and wave parameters for the offshore environment at the height of 100m (offshore wind resource) and at surface (wave energy resource). The offshore wind resource is performed with a sophisticated mesoscale atmospheric model, capable of describing the main wind phenomenology near the Portuguese coast, and contains the mapping of the average wind speed [m/s], Wind Power Flux [W/m2] and the map of the annual number of hours at full capacity NEPS of a standard reference turbine as well as the NEPS maps [h/year] for specific type of bottom-fixed wind turbine systems - "Jacket" and "Monopile" or Floating – WindFloat. The offshore wind resource maps represent the climatology of the wind resource as well as characteristics of the wind phenomenology associated to the land-sea interaction along the Portuguese coast. Regarding the wave energy maps, the estimation of the wave energy resource is based in estimating the main sea-wave characteristics and the wave energy production for standard different wave system types – oscillation water column converter; floating two-body heaving converter bottom-fixed oscillating flap converter. The maps of the wave energy resource are a merging of observational data (boys) and information from the ONDATLAS database as well as data from numerical modeling with the MAR3G model all with 10 years of data . This way the wave energy resource maps describe the main characteristics of the average wave resource for a period of 10 years, which is representative of the sea state climatology of Portugal. All wave energy maps are expressed in [kW/m]. Also, all wind and wave energy resource maps are processed with a high spatial resolution of 1km x 1km from the coast up to the bathymetric of 300m. Some wind and wave energy maps are freely available to download in a course but larger grid area (5Km x 5Km). In time, the offshore wind maps will include higher heights.
The CONVERT project aimed at identifying, in an objective and quantitative way, the different types of endogenous biomass that can be applied in the short-medium term to economically viable technological solutions for the production of power and heat, energy vectors, and especially advanced biofuels. These should comply with all the sustainability criteria set by the European Directives, in particular the Red II (2015/1513) Directive. This project included the following activities: Activity 1 - Energy potential of the organic fraction of solid urban waste; Activity 2 - Energy potential of biowaste produced under industrial context; Activity 3 - Potential of mainland Portugal for energy crops; Activity 4 - Conversion technologies and respective energy products; Activity 5 - Life Cycle Analysis and estimation of Sustainable Value and Activity 6 - Communication plan. As part of Activity 3, LNEG developed a spatial data infrastructure to facilitate the exchange and use of information between all the beneficiary agents in a first phase, with visualization and consultation via the web. These data are crucial for choosing locations for energy crops/microalgae and for selecting the species to cultivate, while also identifying critical or limiting locations for their utilisation.